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Harry Prichett Career Transition Coaching

Coach: Harry Prichett
Coaching Categories:
Career Coaching, Life Coaching


“Isn’t there more to working than this?”
It’s a common question that successful professionals of all ages and levels ask themselves. I partner with individuals who are in career transition. Together, we work on reenergizing, rebooting, or reinventing your career. Together, we gain clarity on where you stand, identify where you want to be, and design an action plan to take you there.

Coaching service details

Price range $200.00 - $250.00 ($USD)

* Prices indicated by coaches are approximate hourly rates. Please contact coaches directly for further details.

Contact methods available
Industry specialisations

Qualifications & Specialities

I have coached a wide range of people over the years, from surgeons to real estate brokers, broadcasting executives to start-up entrepreneurs. Let me describe my clients, what they needed and what we accomplished together.
My clients are successful. Before you and I start working together, you are already accomplished. You have real-world experience, you’ve handled responsibilities, and you’ve recovered from setbacks. The fact that you are looking for a coach indicates that the time is right to move to a different level in your work life.
My clients are committed. The process we engage in together takes time, attention, and tenacity. It’s engaging but not always relaxing. It can be emotionally challenging, but it is always revelatory. You will develop a more positive sense of yourself. Doubt and hesitation are replaced by clarity and tenacity.
My clients have determination.  Before our coaching process begins, a client may focus on a feeling of confusion, or fixate on thorny problems and persistent obstacles. This is not uncommon; identifying the need for coaching usually follows a period of challenges and uncertainty.
My clients want results. And they get results. Over time I’ve had a consistently satisfying experience - witnessing clients defining and achieving the very goals we’ve worked to define and clarify. My job is to take you through a process that makes that objective virtually inevitable. It’s why I love my work; the hard work pays off.
My process is not for you if:
You just need to tighten up your resume and polish your LinkedIn profile;
You don’t think you have the time for a process that requires time.
You can’t imagine creating new possibilities.

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Location / Contacts :

Address: 160 Cabrini Boulevard, New York, NY, USA
Phone: (646) 478-8220
Email: Contact this Coach
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