Product Description
Neil Camacho “enjoys accompanying people and groups of people so that, through transparency and creativity, they achieve a version of themselves with happiness, quality of life and success that best suits them.” To achieve this, he uses self-knowledge and re-knowledge, through coaching and mentoring, to empower leadership, innovation, teamwork and above all, “Ikigai” (life purpose). He leaves the perspective “I teach you” in the background to give priority to the fact “you have the knowledge and the ability to achieve what you propose, I accompany you so that you discover it or order it, so that you achieve it”.
The coaching processes that my clients prefer and at the same time are my favorites, are those that involve 8 meetings of between 45 and 120 minutes each. The meetings are separated from each other for two weeks. Including some weeks in which there is no meeting at the request of the client or both (client and coach), a maximum of 22 weeks is required to complete the process. However, everything is absolutely carried out 100% adapted to the needs of the client.
Depending on the region of the planet from where the contracting is made, the volume and other details, it is possible to agree and co-design the most wonderful cocahing processes completely adapted to the investment possibilities.
The most common investment for one of these processes is US $ 2,500.00. The final investment may vary if more sessions are added or by additional agreements reached with the specific client.
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